What’s Up Wednesday


Hey all! It’s been a little while, but I’m back for this week! 🙂 What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. If you’d like to join us, check out the blogs each week, get to know some of the other writers taking part, and spread some writerly love! 

What I’m Reading

Just finished Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo and LOVED (of course). Ruin and Rising is next, but I think I’m procrastinating because I don’t want it to be over yet. If I could only be half of a fraction of her amazing, I would be content.

What I’m Writing

Between leftover CampNaNo burnout (yes, still) and having an illness relapse (you can read more here and here), the words haven’t happened much lately. They’ve happened somewhat, but still not anywhere near my normal. I did get a couple good 1ks in, so I’m not too bad, but I was hoping to get this draft finished by the end of summer–and seeing as classes start on Monday, that’s not going to happen. I’m about 15k short, so hopefully I can knock it out pretty soon 🙂

What Inspires Me

Lately, my CPs have been especially brilliant (impossible, I know). We’ve had some amazing brain babies (brain storming sessions) lately and not only have we made some great progress on my own WIP, but listening to and working on their projects can be just as helpful and inspiring.

What Else I’m Up To

I am all moved in! I have been staying in my first apartment for a couple weeks now, and am loving it. Of course, being close to my CPs now helps too 🙂 I will probably regret this in a week, but I am actually looking forward to classes starting. Now that I am in my third year, my classes are all related to my major and career and I find them interesting and even enjoy them (shocking, I know).

Hope everyone has a great start to the new school year, and have a great week!

9 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday

  1. Haha, I always looked forward to classes starting, even if I wanted them to be over with three weeks later! Hopefully that won’t happen, though…here’s wishing you good courses, =)


  2. I loved Bardugo’s series! And I understand what you mean about NaNo burnout, I feel like I am still in a bit of a funk from that still too. You’re still in a great place with your WIP though, especially with all you have been dealing with lately!


  3. Hope you´re going to have a great week, Victoria! I have read the posts you linked to and I am sending you a hug via the internet, I think talking about those illnesses is important and you show such strength, maybe even without realizing it!
    And yay for inspiring CPs! :-))))


  4. I have RUIN & RISING sitting on the bistro table in my room and I can’t wait to read it. If my copy of ISLA & THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER gets here in the next couple days I might have to wait a little longer though. Too many great books to read!

    Sorry to hear you’re feeling burnt out and that your illness has been taking a toll lately. It’s tough enough to get writing done when you’re feeling energetic. Hope you can build up some writing momentum again soon! Enjoy that new apartment and a fresh new school year!


  5. Haha, “brain babies” is probably my new favourite phrase! Congrats on moving in to your new place, hopefully it provides a load of inspiration and motivation, both writing- and career-wise 🙂

    Have a wonderful week, Victoria! 🙂


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