Victoria is a 19-year-old student, artist, and writer. She has been telling stories since before she knew how to write, and can’t imagine life without it. She is a full-time college student majoring in psychology. A few months ago she decided to start seeking publication for the first time.

She lives with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and an immune deficiency that have significantly impacted her life, but she is determined not to let her health stop her.

While Victoria has written four complete manuscripts across different genres, her current manuscript is young adult fantasy, and she is currently seeking representation. As an artist, she has been recognized locally for several pieces, and has also been involved in musical theater, choir, and modeling. She drinks (at least) two cups of coffee a day and loves all things weird, nerdy, and creative. Preferably she would live in her hometown of Seattle, Washington, or as an elf on Middle Earth.

50 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. I’m not sure what a Liebster is, but this is a solid blog setup. I wish I had started blogging regularly and committed myself to writing at 19! Keep going strong.
    And +1 about living in west coast/Middle-Earth.


  2. I really like your blog Victoria, you have a great way of writing. I’m also glad you prefaced the amount of coffee you drink with ‘(at least).’ If you hadn’t it might’ve raised some serious questions about your writing habits.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for stopping by, got a confession though, i added weekend writing warrior tab without even knowing what it was ! Sounded cool is all – but now i am a believer – and seen the error of my way . Great blog , gonna read it now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And haha, it has taken me a while to get used to and learn everything. Most of my sidebar I created using HTML, which isn’t as scary as it sounds. I just look up what codes to use, and paste them into a Text Widget. The blog awards are a regular Gallery widget. Let me know if you have any questions I’d be happy to help 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • The morning after I wrote that message, I figured out what WordPress was talking about with how to get HTML codes. I was afraid I’d have to write them all out myself and I haven’t had to mess with even the simplest HTML codes in over 10 years when I was in University. This has taught me an important lesson – maybe I should take a free computer class at the library to relearn technology. I think my info is outdated. Just a bit… hehehe

        Gallery Widget huh? I’ll have to look into that when/if I have more stuff to put up. I ended up just using a Text Widget for my award because I only have the one.


  4. I’m just saying, you look like an awesome person. (you liked one of my posts, so I thought I’d click your name) You seem very sweet, and by the comments a lot of people like you. I’d be interested to look at more of your posts and what you’ve written, as I’ve written a YA fantasy manuscript as well. 🙂 I’d like to make friends on here, as I’m trying to figure out this whole blogging scene. So yeah. That’s that. Just saying hello.


    • Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you! It’s always great to connect with other writers, especially YA, and fantasy too 🙂 Well I’m here if you need anything! I’m only a few months into it but I think I’ve learned a lot and could give advice as I’ve been through the process starting completely blind. You can also connect with me on Twitter if you have one, I’m pretty active on there. Great to meet you Hayden!

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s great to meet you too!
        I’d love to get advice from you. It appears we’re on the same page (ahaha… get it… page… *hauled off the stage with a hooked cane*) when it comes to writing and querying, so we can help each other. I just followed you on Twitter; I should really get more involved on that site… and on that username.
        Talk to you soon!


  5. Hi Victoria. Thanks for following my blog. I’ve come by to check yours out too and I am impressed: what a beautiful design! And you’ve already accomplished so much in your life thus far. Your future publication will be another great achievement to add to the list.


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