What’s Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrowand Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. If you’d like to join us, check out the blogs each week, get to know some of the other writers taking part, and spread some writerly love! 


What I’m Reading

I’m still reading The Park Service by Ryan Winfield. As much as I’m still loving it, I just haven’t had much time to read lately. But if you haven’t yet, it really is worth buying (I mean, 3 bucks on Kindle? It doesn’t get better than that) He’s a great storyteller and world builder, and I’m taking notes as I go along 🙂

What I’m Writing

Well, I finally broke 80,000 on my manuscript! It sort of felt like there should have been fireworks and cupcakes, but sadly there were neither. When I started writing this book, 50,000 seemed massive and impossible, and I was struggling for word count. But now I’ve done over 80,000 and it feels pretty great 🙂 I finished this round of revisions, and printed the first 100 out for a read-through.


Isn’t she beautiful?? So far, I’ve tackled the first 25, and I have notes for every single page. It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes reading through it printed. I mean, I’m noticing typos and missing words, even though I’ve read through it 500 times. And reading it like this makes it feel fresh, so I’ve noticed some questions readers might have or things I never saw before.

What Inspires Me

Right now, I’m really inspired by others. Like I said, Ryan Winfield is a great storyteller, and reading his book has given me a lot of ideas and notes. I also love meeting with my writing group and bouncing ideas off each other, even if it’s not for my own manuscript. I love seeing the process, and that moment when the lightbulb goes off and everything comes together. 🙂

What Else I’m Up To

The Bucket List is still going strong, and has made for some great laughs and memories 🙂 Boyfriend and I are starting to seriously look into some mission trips for either later this year during winter break, or next summer. We’ve more or less narrowed it down to two trips, India and Nepal–though the Nepal trip is physically demanding, and I would have to consult my doctors and create a conditioning plan in order to go. But I’ve been taking it into my own hands and exercising (little bits at a time) and hopefully that will make a difference.

I have been lucky enough to be in good health lately, but I can’t take anything for granted. But we just found out that there is a new prescription for POTS, just approved by the FDA. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but the idea that there might actually be a treatment that works would be a dream come true! In the mean time though, I’m just trying to stay healthy and enjoying it while I can 🙂

Happy Wednesday!

13 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday

  1. 80,000 words! Awesome! Good for you. 🙂 I find that printing a story off is a great way to catch things you otherwise wouldn’t. Something about reading off of a computer just doesn’t work the same way, does it? Good luck with your revisions.

    And India or Nepal? Wow! That’s huge. Hope everything works out so you can go. Have a great week, Victoria!


    • Thank you! Yes, that’s so true. And somehow reading it in print (even just regular paper) makes it feel more like a book. Yes! I’ve been dreaming of travel for years now, but never thought I’d be healthy enough. Now I’m hoping its a possibility 🙂 thank you, and have a great week!


  2. Congratulations on hitting 80k! And yes, your MS does look beautiful ^_^
    I went to India in 2012 for work and *loved* it. The food is amazing and the country is like nowhere else I’ve ever been. It was the most full on experience of my life. I was in Mumbai and all I can say is WOW. There were tough periods for sure, but I still highly recommend it. It’s just so vibrant there.


    • Haha thank you 🙂 Wow, so lucky! Everyone I hear from says that, and I’m slowly falling more and more in love with it. The people, the culture, the food, the vibrance, everything. And there’s such a need there among the children and disabled that I feel like I would really be making a difference. Thanks for your input 🙂


  3. Oh Victoria, I’m so, so happy to hear there might be a treatment available soon! *tightly crosses fingers and toes for you* 🙂 And a HUGE congrats on reaching 80,000 – that seems like light years away for me, haha. Nothing like having a physical copy to hug and throw at the wall and cry into and … well, you get the idea.

    Have a wonderful week!


    • Aw thank you so much 🙂 That’s very sweet of you…all my fingers and toes are crossed too 😉 I know, it seemed like lightyears for me too, but here I am! Hehe yes, it makes it feel so much more real now too. Thank you, you too!


  4. Very exciting news that there may be a treatment available that seems promising! And I love that you printed your MS out! Glad the read through is going well!


  5. Wow! 80,000 is an impressive word count. Great job! Your manuscript does look beautiful. I always love how real a manuscript looks when printed out. 🙂

    I’d recommend India in a heartbeat for your mission trip. My future in-laws live in Bangalore, and my partner and I visited over the New Year. It was vibrant and chaotic, and I absolutely loved it. India is an amazing country. Unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been. You’d love it!

    Have a wonderful week. 🙂


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