What’s Up Wednesday



Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve done WuW, but thought I’d stop by this week 🙂

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. If you’d like to join us, check out the blogs each week, get to know some of the other writers taking part, and spread some writerly love! 

What I’m Reading

I just finished The Park Service by Ryan Winfield (read the review here). I am currently reading two ARCs for review from Netgalley–Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce, and Feuds by Avery Hastings. I am about 70% done with Altaica and am really liking it so far. It is one of the few YA epic fantasies I have read, but it really good so far. I will keep y’all posted 🙂

What I’m Writing

If you didn’t know already, I am participating in CampNaNoWriMo this year, my first NaNoWriMo event ever. So far, despite the ups and downs, it’s been a great experience! I have written over 10,000 words for Nightfire and have almost 33k total–over halfway there! (You can read my CampNaNo updates here).

What Inspires Me

Other media–books, TV, movies. Stories. I’ve been reading a lot lately, and have found all kinds of good words and phrases to use. I also love TV shows, and (gasp) sometimes appreciate them as much as books. They were written too! Right now I’m in love with Defiance on Syfy, which might sound super nerdy but it’s really a great show. Surprisingly deep characters, real, raw emotions, some awesome world-building, and a great story.

What Else I’m Up To

Well I just got back from our first family vacation in a couple years, and it was great! Minus it storming our second day, and me getting terribly sunburned (of course). It was awesome to spend a few days with family and boyfriend enjoying the sun, sand, and surf–and each other, of course. 🙂 I didn’t even mind the 10 hour drive!

I also started packing up boxes to move out for the first time in two weeks! I am excited, but also a bit nervous as I have never been on my own before and have no idea what to expect. I know it will be good though, and I will still be close to home. Ready to start this new chapter of my life 🙂

Have a good week!

What’s Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrowand Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. If you’d like to join us, check out the blogs each week, get to know some of the other writers taking part, and spread some writerly love! 


What I’m Reading

I’m still reading The Park Service by Ryan Winfield. As much as I’m still loving it, I just haven’t had much time to read lately. But if you haven’t yet, it really is worth buying (I mean, 3 bucks on Kindle? It doesn’t get better than that) He’s a great storyteller and world builder, and I’m taking notes as I go along 🙂

What I’m Writing

Well, I finally broke 80,000 on my manuscript! It sort of felt like there should have been fireworks and cupcakes, but sadly there were neither. When I started writing this book, 50,000 seemed massive and impossible, and I was struggling for word count. But now I’ve done over 80,000 and it feels pretty great 🙂 I finished this round of revisions, and printed the first 100 out for a read-through.


Isn’t she beautiful?? So far, I’ve tackled the first 25, and I have notes for every single page. It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes reading through it printed. I mean, I’m noticing typos and missing words, even though I’ve read through it 500 times. And reading it like this makes it feel fresh, so I’ve noticed some questions readers might have or things I never saw before.

What Inspires Me

Right now, I’m really inspired by others. Like I said, Ryan Winfield is a great storyteller, and reading his book has given me a lot of ideas and notes. I also love meeting with my writing group and bouncing ideas off each other, even if it’s not for my own manuscript. I love seeing the process, and that moment when the lightbulb goes off and everything comes together. 🙂

What Else I’m Up To

The Bucket List is still going strong, and has made for some great laughs and memories 🙂 Boyfriend and I are starting to seriously look into some mission trips for either later this year during winter break, or next summer. We’ve more or less narrowed it down to two trips, India and Nepal–though the Nepal trip is physically demanding, and I would have to consult my doctors and create a conditioning plan in order to go. But I’ve been taking it into my own hands and exercising (little bits at a time) and hopefully that will make a difference.

I have been lucky enough to be in good health lately, but I can’t take anything for granted. But we just found out that there is a new prescription for POTS, just approved by the FDA. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but the idea that there might actually be a treatment that works would be a dream come true! In the mean time though, I’m just trying to stay healthy and enjoying it while I can 🙂

Happy Wednesday!

What’s Up Wednesday


What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. If you’d like to join us, check out the blogs each week, get to know some of the other writers taking part, and spread some writerly love! 

What I’m Reading


The Park Service by Ryan Winfield (Park Service Trilogy #1). I totally happened on this book by accident, I was actually reading another book when I found it and downloaded a sample on my kindle. This book is a perfect example of two things you’re normally not supposed to do (prologue, and opening with MC waking up) and doing them so well it blew my mind (a further blog post to follow regarding rules and how to break them). I was so hooked by the end of the prologue, I put away the other book and haven’t been able to put down this one since. Winfield has created such a vivid, resonating, creative, and yet realistic world. He has done post-apocalyptic society in a unique way that is also entirely believable. I can’t wait to see what’s next 🙂

What I’m Writing

Well, I thought I was done with my MS. Seriously, I had started printing it out for a read-through. But of course my characters wouldn’t let me get off that easily. I already knew I had to change my climax and pacing, but wanted to find that out in the read-through. As part of the pacing, I counted how many scenes each POV had, and found an overwhelming gap. So I went to even that gap, and Crow (one POV) yanked the pen out of my hands and started writing his own story. I’m serious. I’ve added over 6k of purely his POV so far, with more scenes planned. He is even fighting to become the ultimate love interest, instead of the guy I’ve had planned all along. It’s kind of frustrating but amazing all at the same time. As I also talked about in this post, I’ve unbound his restraints, and he’s shown me all new depths of darkness and depravity, but it’s kind of brilliant and exciting 🙂

What Inspires Me

This week I’ve been kind of overwhelmed by support from the writing community. I’ve been a little out of touch with my online presence lately, with so much else going on, that it seemed a lot like a chore. Then I came back, and I remembered why writers and book people are the best people in the world 🙂 It is amazing to me that I can connect to people I’ve never met before, some who are across oceans and continents from me. And I love when I see bookish things trending on twitter, hashtags we created, because it reminds me of the impact and influence we can have when we put our minds to it. I kind of picture us like a little nerd army, wielding books and laptops as weapons 😉

What Else I’m Up To

SUMMER! Sorry, this has been a crazy semester and I am so glad to be done with it. I’ve been enjoying the time off with much needed naps, binge-watching Netflix, and pool time. This summer, boyfriend and I decided to try something different, since we’ve kind of gotten into the lull of just spending time at each others houses, watching Netflix or movies, usually in our PJs. Boyfriend actually came up with the idea, and I was inspired by many similar lists we found on Pinterest.

So, we made our very own Summer Bucket List! The idea is to (at least) once a week do something new or different than our usual. It includes everything from roadtrips to frisby golf to reading a book together, and we have 75 on the list so far. Boyfriend even had the added idea of writing them down, sorting into categories, and drawing randomly (ie places to go, museums, free, restaurants, and whichever we pick, we have to do). What do you think? Do you have any awesome summer ideas for us?

Happy Wednesday! 🙂

What’s Up Wednesday



What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what’s up. Should you wish to join us, you will find the link widget at the bottom of Jaime or Erin’s blog.

What I’m Reading

I am still reading Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce. I am about halfway through, and still loving it. I would have finished it by now (probably even in one sitting), but everything else has been so crazy lately I haven’t had much time for reading.

What I’m Writing

The past couple of weeks I’ve been getting ready for DFWCON, which is this weekend (eek!). I’ve rewritten my pitch and query about 10,000 times and been frustrated with my MS. Then, I had some deep talks with one of my CPs, and she said that I was trying to put it in the wrong genre, that it felt much more like a fantasy. I realized I had been trying to force it into sci-fi, when it really wasn’t, but when I made it into a science fantasy (it’s a thing) suddenly everything fit! So first I went back and rewrote my query/pitch (again) so those would be ready for DFWCON. Now that I’ve got those done, I’m in the process of making revisions on my MS to change the sci-fi and add fantasy elements. And so far, I’m loving it 🙂 I got to keep the integrity of the story, and it turned out 10x cooler, more interesting, and unique! Bye, bye dystopian, and yay genius CPs!

What Inspires Me

My fabulous CP Stephanie (she’s amazing, check out her blog here) has been unbelievable as far as brainstorming. She is also 100% honest and challenges me to be better, which I love. We have come up with some genius ideas together! I have been inspired and productive in art, I did a couple pieces this week (watercolor) and even some poetry. I went through a bunch of my old writing journals–three years worth–and dug through for the parts worth keeping. I was pleasantly surprised (especially since I wrote it when I was 13-15 years old) and reinspired by some gems I found in there. Little me was very melodramatic, but I had my occasional moments of greatness 😉 Some even have book potential, so I typed them into my laptop to save for later!

What Else I’m Up To

End of the semester, Pitch Slam, and DFWCON. Finals are in two weeks, and I’m scrambling to finish all the projects and papers that come before. I just finished the Pitch Slam pitch contest, which I will write a detailed post about after DFWCON this weekend. And DFWCON–I’ve reached panic mode! Two days left. I feel horribly unprepared, but I’ve done all the research and preparations I can. I am somewhat of a control freak, and definitely a huge planner, so I hate not really knowing what to expect since it is my first conference ever. Thankfully I’ll have the majority of my amazing writing group there for support and networking. That’s a huge part of my nerves, I think. I have social anxiety already, but especially in big groups or crowds. Plus this will be the first time I have to really “network”. I’m not the person who can just go up and strike a conversation. I tend to get nervous and blurt out nonsensical things/overshare about my life in order to fill up the awkward silence. But, it is my first conference and will be a great opportunity to learn and grow and get connected in the writing community. I’m just going to keep telling myself that, so I don’t panic 🙂

Happy Wednesday!

What’s Up Wednesday


What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what’s up. Should you wish to join us, you will find the link widget at the bottom of Jaime or Erin’s blog.

What I’m Reading


Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce. She was my favorite author as a child (and by favorite, I mean I was obsessed) and was a huge inspiration for me, especially to start writing books. I think her book Alanna, first in the Song of the Lioness series, was the first book I truly fell in love with, and sparked a hunger for reading I’d never quite had before. I read all 23 of her other books, and I would often hole myself up in my room for 16 hours at a time because I just couldn’t put them down. I fell in love with (and looked up to) her strong heroines, as well as her rich worlds and fantastic storytelling. She has been such an inspiration to me both as a reader and writer. I’m only a couple chapters in, but of course am already loving it (and feeling self-conscious about my own writing) and it’s great to kind of reconnect to my 10 year old self, when she first fell in love with a red-headed girl who wanted to be a knight.

What I’m Writing

Honestly, this week has been pretty slow. As I said in my last post, I’ve had a couple relapses as far as my health, so I haven’t had much energy to do anything. I did conquer a couple scenes I was struggling with, but am pretty behind on my monthly as a whole. Not giving up though! Last Saturday’s writing group was pretty inspiring, since one of my CPs finished my MS, so it was great to get positive feedback and be able to talk with someone about it. Yay CPs!

What Inspires Me Right Now

This week I have been inspired more with art. I painted a couple more things for my first apartment this summer (can’t wait!). As far as writing, I’ve actually been more inspired by talking with my writing group and seeing how their stories are coming along. It’s so beautiful to watch the process from raw stone to diamond, or as I explained to a friend of mine that it is like being a sculptor, taking the raw form of stone and chipping away bit by bit to reveal the masterpiece inside. It’s so exciting to be a part of that process!

What Else I’m Up To

What am I not up to? These past two weeks have been a roller coaster. Right now, I am mostly trying to focus on my health and schoolwork. Only a few more weeks in the semester, but sometimes it seems impossible. I am also navigating the process of transferring colleges and preparing to move out for the first time, so that’s both exciting and overwhelming. Overwhelming because it will be an entirely new life and I don’t know how I’ll manage everything, especially with my health, exciting because I can’t wait to be independent and truly experience college life. In a few months, I’ll finally start the next chapter of my life, and I can’t wait!

What’s Up Wednesday


What’s Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what’s up. Should you wish to join us, you will find the link widget at the bottom of Jaime or Erin’s blog.

What I’m Reading


Defiance by C.J. Redwine. I actually just finished this last night, as I finished my writing quarantine after I reached my monthly (which I exceeded! Woo 🙂 I went on a little bit of a reading binge (whoops). While it took me a little while to warm up to this book, it wasn’t long until I was hooked. Especially loved the ending, and can’t wait to get the next one!

What I’m Writing

I am currently a little over 30k into writing the sequel to my manuscript. As I said, I was in writing quarantine/frenzy until I finished my monthly. Now I’m taking a little breather outside of minor tweaks here and there to keep myself working and involved. But of course, inspiration has struck again with a possibly crazy or genius idea that could change both the original and the sequel. I am very excited to delve into that 🙂

What Inspires Me Right Now

I am constantly inspired by what I’m reading, and what other authors are doing. This week I was inspired by a lot of C.J Redwine’s beautiful prose and poignant lines. I was also inspired this week by my psychology class, specifically learning about defense mechanisms. These gave me insight into my characters as deep, complex people with pasts and ways of handling things, and partly inspired the upcoming crazy/genius change that may involve repressed memories, a betrayal, and a suicide that turns out to be a murder (gasp). And as always, I am continuously inspired by art and music (if you want to check out more inspiration for both art and writing, check out my board on Pinterest, http://www.pinterest.com/victoria_elaine/inspiration-writing/)

What Else I’m Up To

Lately, I have been more or less healthy (knock on wood) though I did pay for it by being sick 80% of the month of March. So for now, I am enjoying my good health: girls night, Ellie Goulding concert, painting, much needed date night with boyfriend. But I am also frantically trying to catch up with my courses, while fighting to stay motivated and persevere until the end of the semester (five more weeks!) Currently, I am about to write an essay, then leaving to meet a friend for coffee and later watch Catching Fire (which I could never get tired of). Making the most of my good health while I can 🙂

Happy Wednesday everyone!